來自澳門二人樂隊 Soler,由混血雙胞胎哥哥 Julio Acconci 和弟弟 Dino 組成,他們通曉7國語言,創作歌曲則以粵語、普通話及英語為主。Soler 共推9張唱片,《Tears In Your Hands》、《北回歸線》、《雙聲道》、《直覺》、《龍虎門》、《X2》、《海邊的卡夫卡》、《Canto》和《Vivo》。Soler最新主打歌《一樣》唱出繁忙都市人每天過著一式一樣的生活,而失去了自我特色。
Formed by Eurasian twin brothers Julio Acconci (piano/vocals) and Dino Acconci (guitar/vocals), Soler are renowned for the quality of their live performances, and the unique Soler sound. They write all their own music and also produce songs for other artists in the greater China region. With the ability to sing in different languages including Chinese, Soler released their first debut album in early 2005 in Hong Kong, since then they have become one of the most promising and significant bands in South East Asia.
樂隊的名字「Soler」有著「如同太陽一般偉大的目標」使命,希望把華語歌曲發揚光大。Julio 和 Dino把 Soler界定爲一支 Pop Rock (流行搖滾) 樂隊。別樹一幟的和唱方式、獨特的搖滾音樂,以及俊朗的混血兒外型,讓 Soler 於競爭激烈的香港樂壇中火速走紅。2005年出道,僅一年便在香港紅磡體育館舉行演唱會,更橫掃香港四大音樂頒獎禮(新城勁爆、叱吒樂壇、十大勁歌金曲、十大中文金曲)的新人獎和組合獎項。